Working For Amazon From Home | The Definitive Guide

Working for Amazon from home can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling steps you can take in your professional life. Whether you are looking for a way to augment your primary income or you are yearning for a career shift, Amazon may hold the key to a lucrative and enjoyable job from home.

Is working for Amazon from home offered?

Amazon offers many opportunities for individuals to work from home. Furthermore, the company provides many avenues for finding remote jobs, from regular listings to job hunter contacts at sites such as LinkedIn and others. With so many opportunities available, almost anyone can work for Amazon from the comfort of their own home.

A quick search through Amazon job site listings shows the availability of openings in the following areas:

  • Sales
  • Technology
  • Account management
  • Data analysis
  • Software development
  • Customer support
  • Transcription

This is only a small sampling of the work and employment options available from Amazon. We provide information on where to find more jobs later on in this article. It is advisable to check job listings from time to time to find openings as they become available.

Keep in mind that some of the available opportunities may not be what you expect. For instance, many of the jobs available in the remote jobs page are in areas other than customer service. However, the company has a continuing need for customer service representatives throughout the year. You should be prepared to explore as many different avenues as possible when looking for specific work-from-home jobs.

You should probably be aware of the seasonal requirements as well. Certain jobs tend to be in higher demand at certain times of the year. There is usually an increased need for customer service representatives in the months leading up to the holidays and peak shopping seasons. It is a good idea to time your search accordingly to have a better chance of landing a job in your chosen field.

If you have your heart set on a permanent job, keep looking around even if the only openings available are for seasonal employment. You could always take on a series of part-time jobs while waiting for more long-term opportunities. Besides, part-time work will help keep your skills and knowledge fresh and possibly get your foot in the door with some employers.Working for Amazon from home

What are the best work-from-home jobs at Amazon?

Some of the most rewarding and profitable work-from-home jobs at Amazon are in the following areas:

  • Amazon Customer Service
  • Amazon Mechanical Turk (mTurk)
  • Amazon Human resources
  • Amazon Healthcare
  • Amazon Virtual Locations

Amazon Customer Service

Amazon has an extensive customer service department, as you can imagine. Many of the company’s virtual call centers are staffed by home-based personnel, and there is always a need for new customer service representatives.

Amazon’s customer service department offers many excellent work-from-home opportunities. However, you will have to work within very specific working hours. You will also need a phone line and a high-speed internet connection to perform your duties.

There is usually a lot of competition for jobs in Amazon’s customer service department. Bilingual candidates and military veterans and their spouses typically have a higher chance of being accepted in these positions.

Customer service representatives work as employees and earn a guaranteed hourly wage. You typically have the option to work part-time or full-time.

Most customer service positions are temporary. However, there is a good chance of landing a permanent position if you consistently meet your job objectives and attendance requirements.

Keep in mind that customer service positions at Amazon are available on a seasonal basis. They also tend to fill quickly, so you will have to keep your eyes peeled for any openings and be prepared to send in your application at a moment’s notice. In addition, work-from-home positions in customer service are available only in certain states.

Amazon Mechanical Turk (mTurk)

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk or mTurk isn’t strictly a work-from-home job site. But it does provide many valuable and potentially rewarding entry points into remote work.

What is mTurk? This is essentially a small-task website maintained by Amazon. After signing up, you will gain access to the site and be able to choose from several small jobs for pay.

Keep in mind that relatively few of the jobs at mTurk pay a lot of money. There is also no guarantee that you will get a job. On the other hand, mTurk does have the advantage of requiring only minimal time and effort.

It is best to think of the jobs at mTurk as something you can do to pass the time between jobs. These jobs will probably make only a minimal contribution to your monthly income at best. But they will at least keep you occupied and earn you some pocket money at the same time. Most tasks on the site take only minutes to complete.

Amazon mTurk pays workers through Amazon Payments. You have the option to transfer funds to your bank account or exchange the equivalent value for an Amazon Gift Card.How do I work for Amazon from home?

Amazon Human Resources

You might be surprised to find that Amazon provides many remote work opportunities in human resources. These are among the most challenging and most rewarding Amazon work-from-home opportunities available. Some of the regular listings are for:

  • Human resources managers
  • Contractors
  • Investigators

Apart from the opportunity to work with people from different fields, these jobs also offer a mentally stimulating work environment, travel opportunities, and the chance to work with driven and committed individuals.

Some of the qualifications for managerial positions in human resources are:

  • A bachelor’s degree
  • Six years of experience
  • One year of experience or more in a supervisory capacity

Amazon Healthcare

Are you interested in a career in healthcare? You will be glad to know that Amazon has several work-from-home opportunities in that particular field as well. The company has jobs available in virtual locations, including positions for Bio-Pharma Consultants and Senior Solutions Healthcare Architects.

The requirements for working in the biopharma field are knowledge in the IT industry and consulting experience. Healthcare architects will be responsible for developing and innovating solutions for partners in the healthcare niche.

Amazon Virtual Locations

Amazon offers many more work-from-home opportunities on its Virtual Locations job page. The page has thousands of positions available in locations around the world and in different areas of business and industry. These listings let you work for Amazon from the comfort of your own home and possibly build a lasting career in the process.

Among the jobs listed on Amazon Virtual Locations are:

  • Tech support
  • Operations management
  • Delivery
  • Area management
  • Logistics
  • Cloud support
  • Solutions architecture
  • Security

Many of the jobs listed on the Amazon Virtual Locations page have specific requirements. Technical positions require fluency in at least two languages, for example. Some support services require you to live not more than 50 miles from the service site. Make sure to look into the requirements thoroughly before you send in your application.

How do you get hired by Amazon?

Getting hired to work for Amazon is generally a straightforward process, although you will have to keep some important things in mind. If you are interested primarily in working for Amazon from home, head to the remote job listings on the company’s jobs website. You will find this by clicking on the “Remote Career Opportunities” link on

At the Remote Career Opportunities page, you can search for specific jobs or positions, such as “customer service”, for example. Alternatively, you can apply filters via the provided checkboxes and see what job opportunities are available.

You will have to prepare a cover letter and a resume, of course. We’ll go over those particular aspects in the next section. For now, make sure that you meet the requirements of the job for which you are applying. If you are applying for a technical position, for example, it would be a good idea to brush up on your computer science skills.

Here are some other tips on how to increase your chances of getting hired at Amazon:

  1. Expand your search beyond Amazon’s jobs website. Consider reaching out to Amazon recruiters on sites such as LinkedIn.
  2. Put together a professional and impressive cover letter and resume (more on this later).
  3. Learn as much as you can about the company, particularly about its corporate culture and objectives.
  4. Be prepared to discuss these in relation to your background and work experience.
  5. Brush up on the necessary skills.
  6. Be prepared for a technical exam and an essay writing section.

Working for Amazon from home depends on many factors, including:

  • Your qualifications
  • Your level of preparedness
  • Your willingness to grow and adapt to the demands of the job

The more qualified and better prepared you are, the higher your chances are of being accepted for the position you want.

How do you make your cover letter and resume stand out?

The resume is one of the most crucial elements of any application process. It is especially important when applying for a remote job at Amazon. Often, your resume is the main factor in determining your feasibility for a particular job. At the very least, your resume and credentials will play the most significant role in deciding whether or not you are the right candidate for the position.

Pay particular attention to the preparation of your cover letter. The cover letter is the most critical document that will communicate your suitability for the job. Even if you don’t meet the stated requirements, an effective cover letter could sway the decision in your favor.

To illustrate, let’s say you are applying for a customer service position. Even if you have never worked a day in customer service, you may be accepted for the post if you mention your sales background in your cover letter.

Your resume is at least as important as your cover letter. Resumes generally come in three basic types:

  • Headline-based
  • Responsibility-based
  • Achievement-based

Each of these has its advantages and disadvantages. But for purposes of working for Amazon from home, most experts agree that achievement-based resumes are the most effective.

Let’s take a look at each type of resume in detail.

Headline-based resumes

Headline-based or title-based resumes focus on the place where you worked and the job titles that you’ve previously held. As impressive as these may be, however, they may not provide sufficient information about what you did in those companies and jobs.

Furthermore, titles may not adequately communicate your qualifications for the job you are seeking. Many Amazon job hunters are more interested in the projects you’ve overseen, the scope of those projects, and what you’ve accomplished.

If you have an extensive professional background and a long list of job titles, you will understandably want to highlight these in your resume. And that’s fine. However, you need to make sure that you can back up your impressive job titles with equally remarkable accomplishments. Doing so will increase your chances of impressing your employer and getting accepted for the position you want.

Responsibility-based resumes

Responsibility-based resumes are a step up from headline-based resumes. These are more effective at detailing your roles and responsibilities in your previous positions.

That being said, responsibility-based resumes may still fall a bit short in communicating your value to the organization. These types of resumes may list what your responsibilities were. But they may not provide information as to whether or not you lived up to those responsibilities. Worse still, a responsibility-based resume may communicate that you are the type of worker that simply does what the job requires and nothing more.

How do you avoid falling into the trap of a responsibility-based resume? Try focusing on the goals that you have accomplished and quantifiable contributions to the company. Instead of writing “responsible for client accounts”, for example, talk about how many accounts you closed and how much it contributed to the company’s sales goals.

Achievement-based resumes

Achievement-based resumes are the most effective types of resumes by far. With a professional and well-written achievement-based resume, you have a much higher chance of attracting the attention of Amazon job hunters. These types of resumes also help you stand out among all the other applicants to the position for which you are vying.

Achievement-based resumes can vary considerably in terms of style, approach, and delivery. But most follow this basic formula: “Accomplished [X], as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].”

In this formula, ‘X’ represents the task you undertook or to which you were assigned. ‘Y’ represents the quantifiable metric used to determine how effective or successful you were at accomplishing a particular goal. Finally, ‘Z’ refers to the action or steps you did to achieve that goal.

Following the above formula, one item in your achievement-based resume may read: “Increased sales revenue by 200% over the third quarter by employing a more efficient system for communicating with clients.”

When you present your accomplishments in this manner, you clearly show how you have benefited your organization and achieved specific goals. You can more effectively demonstrate your value as an employee and illustrate your suitability for the position for which you are applying.

Applying for a remote job at Amazon often involves presenting your professional capabilities and accomplishments as effectively as possible. Take the time to craft a comprehensive and well-thought-out cover letter and resume, and your chances of working for Amazon from home will increase exponentially.

How much does Amazon pay for work-from-home jobs?

With so many different types of remote jobs at Amazon, it’s difficult to narrow down the salary to a specific range. Smaller jobs on mTurk pay only a few dollars, while more technical-oriented jobs pay considerably more.

It is entirely possible to make a living by working for Amazon from home exclusively. In many ways, having a remote job on Amazon is the same as working for any other company. This is especially the case with more work-intensive support and technical services.

That being said, many people find it more feasible to alternate working on several jobs. Some may work on smaller mTurk jobs regularly and take on bigger and higher-paying projects when the opportunity arises. By doing so, it may be possible to make more money than you would earn from a single job.

What is the Amazon hiring process like?

The hiring process also varies depending on the job. With smaller mTurk projects, you may be accepted to the position immediately as long as you meet the requirements. With technical or customer service jobs, you may have to undergo a fairly extensive screening and interview process.

For longer-term positions, the application process will usually last a month or more. You may have to undergo a writing assessment exam, which essentially requires submitting an essay.

You will probably have to go through an interview as part of the application process for customer service jobs. This usually takes place over the phone or via video chat. You may also have to undergo training, which may take place at home or in the company’s facilities.

Customer service jobs at Amazon are usually full-time, although part-time work is also available from time to time. In any case, you will probably have to be available during the company’s regular customer service hours. This may include nights, weekends, and even holidays.

As you can see, working for Amazon from home is a genuine possibility. With so many different employment options available, you can realize your goal of working for one of the most reputable companies in the world.

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